

My First Blog

A Journey Through My Portfolio

Fri Feb 03 2023


Hello and welcome to my first blog on my portfolio website! I am excited to share my journey and experiences with you as I navigate the world of web development.

In this blog, I will take you through the process of creating my portfolio website, discussing the technologies and tools I used, and reflecting on what I have learned along the way.

Building My Portfolio Websites

When I first started thinking about building my portfolio website, I knew that I wanted to create something that would showcase my skills and abilities as a web developer. I researched different technologies and tools that I could use to build the website and eventually decided on using Next.js 13, a React-based framework.

I also decided to use Vercel as my hosting platform.

What I Learned

Building my portfolio website was a challenging but rewarding experience. I learned a lot about web development and the technologies and tools that are involved in creating a website.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was getting my head around the different components and how they all worked together. For example, I had to understand how Next.js 13 app directory worked and the difference between client and server components.

However, once I got past these challenges, I found that I was able to create something that I was proud of. I am now much more confident in my abilities as a web developer and I am excited to continue learning and growing.


In conclusion, building my portfolio website was a journey filled with challenges, but also a lot of fun and growth. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow as a web developer and I look forward to sharing my future journey with you all.

Thank you for reading!